Μπάρμπα Στάθης 'greek kitchen' ready meals

Μπάρμπα Στάθης

The briefing: "we developed a brand new product range, in the pre-cooked food category. We want to show the recipe through its ingredients, as it would appear if you cooked it at home."

The target consumer: People who eat. People who barely have the time to eat. People who like to eat.

The design: When you address simple needs and basic instincts, we believe you should be very careful and speak the right language. A highly sophisticated or minimalist design heightens the risk of people perceiving the product as something processed, full of chemicals and preservatives, tasteless, clinical. If a really healthy, tasty and carefully cooked dish, is hiding in the box, why not reveal just that? A dish of home-cooked meal, styled and photographed in appetizing close ups, is all that consumers need in order to remember why we all feel sorry for astronauts who feed on vegetable-meat pills...

Μπάρμπα Στάθης 'greek kitchen' ready meals

Μπάρμπα Στάθης 'greek kitchen' ready meals

Μπάρμπα Στάθης 'greek kitchen' ready meals